Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meridian OptiBull March 23

Meridian Optimist Club recognized for being an Honor Club in 2007-2008
At the recent PNW District Regional Meeting the Meridian Optimist Club was recognized as an Honor Club for the 2007-2008 administrative year. Less than twenty-five percent of all Optimist Clubs earn the distinction of Honor Club. However, it has become a tradition for the MOC to consistently be recognized by the PNW District and Optimist International for their excellence in service to the community. Congratulations to everyone who made this recognition possible. Let’s give a big High Five to our leaders for 2007-2008: Bill Garcia, President and Kimberly Bowers, Secretary/Treasurer.

You can help the MOC celebrate some Annual Events in April
This month offers us two great ways to sample what being an Optimist is all about as we hold two of our signature events.

Annual Oratorical Contest on April 8
This year’s theme is “For me, Optimism is…” Optimist International began the oratorical contest in 1928 as a way to help students learn to express themselves and prepare for continuing their education and work pursuits. Join th club and the children as they make their presentations on April 8, 6:30 pm, at Meridian City Hall. If you know of a student that wants to participate, please have them download the rules at http://www.meridianoptimist.org/ and/or contact the Sue at 409-0792.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 11
Chairman Trenna Bowman Garcia invites all Optimists and their friends and families to join us for the 32nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt. This little guy sure had a great time with his grandparents Ken and Cindi Wall at last year’s event. Plan to join us on April 11 – Breakfast at Express Café at 8:00 am; Setup at Meridian Elementary School, 48 W. State Street at 9:00 am; Egg-off at 11:00 am sharp!

Luck o’the Irish Casino Night
The Meridian Optimists joined forces with the Meridian Firefighters Local 2647 to help them raise funds for a Pipes & Drums Corps. Thanks to everyone who made this a fun and fund-raiser for both groups. Optimist Member, Fireman and event chairman Rod Shaul has already announced plans for a repeat performance in 2010.

Recent activities include:
President Sue and Past President Dr. Tom represented the MOC when we traveled to Twin Falls for a Regional Meeting for the PNW District. While visiting with our Optimist friends is fun, business is also conducted at the district meetings. Every club president serves as a member of the District Board of Directors and as such, they have the opportunity to participate in deciding what direction the district will take to promote and expand the reach of Optimist Clubs both at home and in our geographic region. Other club members can also benefit from the networking and inspirational activities that are part of the District Meeting agenda. We welcomed new member Jeff Peterson into the Meridian Optimist Club!

We helped President Sue Thompson celebrate her March birthday.

A little bit of networking took place at the Luck o’ the Irish Casino Night with Tom McKinstry and Dr. Tom Hammond.

What’s happening next?

Junior Golf Tournament Planning
March 25 – 6:30 pm at Smokey Mountain Pizza. Join the committee and help make our newest club activity successful.

New Member Induction
April 8 – 7:00 a.m. Help us welcome our newest members to the Club! Each new member will learn about the purposes of Optimist International and get the opportunity to tell us about themselves! New member inductions will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Sponsor a member today!

Optimist Oratorical Contest
April 8 – 6:30 pm Hear what the kids have to say at the Club contest about “For me, optimism is…” at Meridian City Hall.

32nd Annual MOC Easter Egg Hunt
April 11- Meridian Elementary School 48 W. State Street. Egg-off at 11:00 am sharp. Join your friends for breakfast at Express Café at 8:00 am or arrive at the school at 9:00 am for set-up.

Board Meeting at Smokey Mountain Pizza!
April 15—7:00 p.m. The Board meets on the third Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noticed. Meetings are always open to all!

Zone and Regional Optimist Oratorical Contest
April 25 – 11:00 am Zone and Regional Contest at the old Boys & Girls Club.

District Meeting in Hood River
May 15-16 – It’s the most favorite District Meeting of the year because we get to hear and see the finals of the District Oratorical Contest. Elections for Lt. Governors will also be held. Join us in Hood River, Oregon for the fun.
National Historical Month
May 22 - MOC Bus Tour with Lila Hill. Find out more from Dr. Tom Hammond.

Club meetings!
Every Wednesday –7:00 a.m. Join us at Rick’s Press Room, 130 E. Idaho, Meridian.

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